免疫 Thrombocytopenia
免疫 thrombocytopenia (ITP), also known as immune or idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, is a blood disorder in which the immune system destroys platelets. As a result, people with ITP develop low platelet counts. This can cause red or purple dots on the skin, called petechiae, and problems with easy bruising, 流鼻血, blood blisters in the mouth or internal bleeding.
血小板与红细胞和白细胞一起在骨髓中产生. 血小板一旦进入血液,就会堵塞血管壁上的小孔,防止或止血. 一般来说,在任何时候,每微升血液中大约有14万到45万个血小板. 然而,在ITP患者中,免疫系统会产生与血小板结合的抗体. 抗体包被的血小板随后通过脾脏从患者的血液中移除, 胃:靠近胃的内部器官,是淋巴系统的一部分. This causes the low platelet count.
有些情况下ITP是轻微的,不引起血小板计数明显低或出血. 随着血小板计数进一步减少,出血的风险增加. 血小板计数低于10000会引起自发性出血的担忧. 然而,对于给定的血小板计数水平,每个人的出血症状不同.
在美国,估计每年有3万例新的ITP病例被诊断出来. Approximately 70 percent of adults with ITP are women, and 70 percent of these women are under the age of 40 when diagnosed. ITP在儿童中比在成人中更常见,男孩和女孩同样受影响.
Our Approach to 免疫 Thrombocytopenia
UCSF为免疫性血小板减少症(ITP)提供富有同情心的个性化护理. 治疗方案包括几种可以使血小板恢复到适当水平的药物. 脾切除术, or surgical removal of the spleen, 提供永久治疗,但使患者更容易感染.
轻度ITP患者通常需要监测,但不需要立即治疗. 病人 may have to make lifestyle changes, 比如避免接触性运动和某些影响血小板的药物, including aspirin and ibuprofen.
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迹象 & 症状
ITP最常见的症状是瘀点(皮肤上的红色或紫色点)。, bruising and bleeding. When ITP is severe and the platelet count is less than 10,000, 患者通常会注意到瘀点和瘀伤,很少接触.
出血可以发生在任何地方,但最典型的是在鼻子、嘴巴和肠道. Women often notice excessive menstrual bleeding. 很少, but most dangerously, people with ITP can develop bleeding in the brain, which can be life-threatening.
当其他方面健康的患者出现血小板计数低的症状时,可怀疑ITP, or is found to have a low platelet count on a routine complete blood count (CBC) test.
There is no one specific test to prove a patient has ITP. 相反,ITP是通过排除血小板计数低的其他原因来诊断的. This includes making sure that the person does not have:
- 艾滋病毒感染
- Hepatitis C infection
- Vitamin B12 or folate deficiencies
- 由于血小板在采血管中结块而造成的假的低血小板计数
- Helicobacter pylori infection
- Viral infections
- Myelodysplastic syndrome (especially if the patient is over the age of 60)
偶尔, certain medications (including some over-the-counter medications), pregnancy or medical conditions, such as immune disorders or infections, will be associated with ITP. However, there is often no identifiable disease associated with ITP.
Treatment is considered for patients who have:
- A platelet count less than 30,000
- 即将进行的手术或程序,需要他们有更高的血小板计数
- Active bleeding with a known diagnosis of ITP
If treatment is necessary, the most common treatments include:
- 皮质类固醇(“类固醇”)-类固醇通过减少血小板抗体的产生来防止出血. 如果有效,血小板计数将在开始使用类固醇的两到四周内上升. Side effects include irritability, stomach irritation, 体重增加, difficulty sleeping, mood changes and acne.
- 静脉注射丙种球蛋白(“IVIg”)- IVIg可以暂时减缓血小板破坏的速度. IVIg起效很快——在24到48小时内——但它的效果通常只持续几天到几周.
- 利妥昔单抗(“利妥昔单抗”)-一种专门针对免疫系统细胞类型的抗体,可以产生针对血小板的抗体. This therapy may require up to four weekly infusions. 对治疗的反应通常在第一次输注后的4至6周内出现, although it can take longer.
- 仿血小板生成素(Eltrombopag/“Promacta”和Romiplostim/“Nplate”)-这些药物增加骨髓中血小板的生成. 美国食品和药物管理局最近批准它们用于对类固醇无效的患者. They generally work well to increase the platelet count.
- 脾切除术 — 脾切除术 is the surgical removal of the spleen, 大部分抗体结合的血小板从血液中移除的位置. 这可能是ITP患者的有效和永久的解决方案, 但他们将来会面临某些感染的风险.
- Limiting participation in contact sports, such as football, boxing and martial arts, and other sports that can increase the risk of head injury, including skiing, snowboarding and motorbike racing.
- 接受脾切除术的患者必须在家中使用未过期的抗生素,以防出现感染的体征或症状, such as a fever and greenish mucus. 出现这些症状的患者必须通知他们的十大赌博平台排行榜,以获得是否服用抗生素的指示.
- Avoiding over-the-counter, 可以降低血小板功能的草药或处方药. 这些药物包括但不限于阿司匹林、布洛芬、萘普生和香豆丁.
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